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Odds and Evenings

#21 - Torque, Truth and Time Signatures

Odds and Evenings
Odds and Evenings
The boys settle a dicussion about a bike that Alaric has been aching to talk about for a fortnight, Alex finally brings up music and then they both dive down the Gödel rabbit hole with some puzzles.
Odds and Evenings
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Topics discussed
Bike Pedals
Time Signatures
Taking an Offer Puzzles
Show Notes
Follow Up
Visualisation of the Codepad Solution from Tom Verduyn (https://bl.ocks.org/TVerduyn/raw/4935615ba55a2c0b73b2550e0eb8764d/)
Maths Jam Annual Gathering Page (https://www.solipsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/MJ_Wiki.py?FrontPage)
The Shade (Alex's New Podcast) (https://hacking.finance/read/?c=the-shade)
Maths From the Show
Visuals of the Two Cycloids Mentioned: Prolate (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ProlateCycloid.html) and Curtate (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CurtateCycloid.html)
Video of the Bike Moving (https://twitter.com/SingMathsJam/status/1042057017148334080)
Unusual Time Signatures (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_works_in_unusual_time_signatures)
Forever Undecided: A Puzzle Guide to Gödel (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Forever-Undecided-Puzzle-Guide-Godel/dp/0192801414) The book I talk about in the third part of the show. It's great.
The Gödel Sentence on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_theorems#Truth_of_the_Gödel_sentence) (Related to the puzzle)
Hosted By
Alaric - http://alaricstephen.com
Alex - http://twitter.com/speakmouthwords
Editing by Alex
Incomplete knowledge of incompleteness theorems by Alaric
Theme music by David Russell - https://youtube.com/DavidRussell323
Odds and Evenings
Spelar inte