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Optimize To Scale - Freelancing, Virtual Assistant, Make Money from Home for Stay at Home & Homeschooling Moms

How to Get Hired on LinkedIn- Interview with Jose Miguel Longo

Learn about LinkedIn and how you can utilize this free tool to get found, hired, recruited for your next position.

In this episode we talk about:

- The journey to your ideal job

- LinkedIn vs. Facebook

- Highschoolers on LinkedIn

- Mother starting on LinkedIn after years working in the home

Here on Optimize to Scale, I want to help you create the job you want with the tools and skills you have developed in the experiences you have had. Jose has the skills to teach you how to turn those life skills and experiences into skills for your resume.

Connect with Jose Miguel Longo

Website: www.coachingwithjosemiguel.com

Instagram @josemiguellongo

LinkedIn Jose Miguel

Connect with Jacqueline

Website: www.thejacquelinehoward.com

Instagram @thejacquelinehoward

LinkedIn Jacqueline Howard

"Being at home, raising babies, Managing a home and balancing a family presents plenty of skills that are useful in the workforce" -Jose Miguel Longo

Optimize To Scale - Freelancing, Virtual Assistant, Make Money from Home for Stay at Home & Homeschooling Moms
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