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Unexpected with Hannah Love

Episode 76: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Unexpected with Hannah Love
Unexpected with Hannah Love

It’s a common sentiment and an often asked question. It is also the achilles heel of a lot of people who lost faith.

Here’s the short answer. Bad things happen to people, period. Good and bad people. Regardless of status, success, or background. Regardless of religion and despite it. Sickness doesn’t discriminate just like this sinful world doesn’t discriminate. The truth of the matter is, we live in a very broken world.

What once was a perfect garden, a veritable heaven on earth… was lost to humankind when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Adam affectively handed over his rights to darkness. God gave him the opportunity to steward a perfect world. He was actually given dominion over the works of God’s hands. But, because of disobedience, there was a great fall. We call it the fall because man fell from this perfect world into a broken one. His dominion was handed over to the one who deceived him in the first place. Satan.

There are so many takeaways here but the thing I want to point to right now is this.. God gave Adam and Eve free will. He didn’t force them to do anything. He set them into a perfect place and gave them boundaries to either keep or break. See, God wants His children to come to Him because they CHOOSE to. Because they choose Him and Love Him and seek Him. It is not a forced relationship. He actually chose us before the foundations of the world. Now, it is for us to choose Him back. Every day. Over and over. By the choices we make. The world is going to hit us with brokenness. What we choose to do about it and how we choose to respond is what really matters.

Here’s the other hard to hear part. Lest we forget. The world is still very broken. Satan still roams about as a lion looking to devour whom he may. He will hit you when and where he can whenever he can. He wants to steal and kill and destroy any goodness God has promised for you. He wants to steal hope, kill dreams, and destroy futures.

I know this may not be the answer so many are looking for today… But, such is the truth. God has a plan for our lives. But we have the freedom to follow Him or not. Not only that, but the enemy is still prowling around, looking to attack. The good news today is that Jesus came to redeem us from satan’s dominion. He came to redeem humanity. To restore us back to the Father. So our spirits are now free from the sting of death. If we have accepted Jesus as our Messiah, His own spirit has replaced the old man. This means we have the same authority as Christ because of the price He paid. We have authority over the enemy. And one day… when He returns, He will also restore the earth. The broken place we live in now. The Bible tells us it will be made new. Until then, this is what we can do.

We can live our lives one step at a time being led by the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit leads us unto ALL Truth. And so… we should follow. Today, I hope you’ll remember this: God is the creator of all. And like a work of art must be imagined before it is created, God knew about you before He even began forming you in your mother’s womb. With careful consideration, He designed you. Not only your physical traits, but the unique touches of humor, creativity, sensitivity, intellect, and passions. He knew it all and He formed you. He also knew (and presently knows) the story arc of your life. In fact, He’s laid out a dotted line map, just for you. If only you have the courage to pursue Him and his leading. If only you are able to surrender the missed turns and wreckage of a sinful world. Theres a one of a kind story waiting to be revealed. A picture of a life well lived. Your map is a testament to the freedom of choosing God. I love y’all. I hope this has been an encouragement today that while storms still arise, we aren’t in them alone. And with every misstep, there is grace for hearts turned back to Him.

Unexpected with Hannah Love
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