Documentary On Newstalk presents "The Good Samaritans" - Produced by Bairbre Flood, made with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Sound and Vision Scheme.
What motivates us to help others, and why should we help others? What does the latest psychological research show us about our brains on altruism? And are there ways we can be more effective altruists - especially for those from other countries or future generations?
Psychologist, Dr. Dean McDonnell tells us about the latest research into what’s really going on in our brains when we’re a good samaritan - and how we can encourage this in our children. We hear from Shaza Aldawamneh, a Syrian student in Cork who teaches coding online to refugees; long-time humanitarian Mary Coffey, missionary nun Sr Majella McCarron; MSF coordinator Sarah Leahy, and founder of ‘The Free Humanitarians’ Sean Binder. We’ll also have a look at how we can be more effective altruists with William MacAskill, author of ‘How To Good Better’ and ‘What We Owe The Future’.
Produced by Bairbre Flood with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Sound and Vision Scheme. With thanks to The Kabin Studio Cork for their music, ‘Teach Love, Harsh Winter’.
What motivates us to help others, and why should we help others? What does the latest psychological research show us about our brains on altruism? And are there ways we can be more effective altruists - especially for those from other countries or future generations?
Psychologist, Dr. Dean McDonnell tells us about the latest research into what’s really going on in our brains when we’re a good samaritan - and how we can encourage this in our children. We hear from Shaza Aldawamneh, a Syrian student in Cork who teaches coding online to refugees; long-time humanitarian Mary Coffey, missionary nun Sr Majella McCarron; MSF coordinator Sarah Leahy, and founder of ‘The Free Humanitarians’ Sean Binder. We’ll also have a look at how we can be more effective altruists with William MacAskill, author of ‘How To Good Better’ and ‘What We Owe The Future’.
Produced by Bairbre Flood with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Sound and Vision Scheme. With thanks to The Kabin Studio Cork for their music, ‘Teach Love, Harsh Winter’.
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