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Businesstalk with Henriette

#75 Marissa Abraham (NYC-special): creativity, branding, self-leadership & connecting with your inner self!

Businesstalk with Henriette
Businesstalk with Henriette

This i a NYC-special recorded in August 2023 and in this episode I, Businesshenriette, interview Marissa Abraham. She has since 2008 been an interdisciplinary artist with mission to amplify love & connection through a plethora creative expression. Currently, she is the head of creative at LilyAna Naturals! A clean skincare brand with small town origins in the USA. She operates as a partial business owner managing hiring, community development, marketing leadership & monitoring overall company culture!

In this episode we talk about creativity, branding, self-leadership, how Marissa connects with her inner self while being a savage businesswoman and how to balance this. We’re having an open conversation about your journey and how you build a great company culture.

Find Marissa & Lily Ana Naturals here:

Marissa Abraham

Lily Ana Naturals

This episode has 3 sponsors:

The Accountant Firm Bilagsfeber - Book en uforpliktende samtale her

Tripletex - Prøv gratis her

AJ Produkter - shop her

Follow my journey as a podcast host here @businesshenriette <3

Businesstalk with Henriette
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