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Deja Blu podcast

Prayer and Ceremony: A Gateway to Love - Blu | Deja Blu EP 115

Deja Blu podcast
Deja Blu podcast

Hello Beautiful Bluebirds, I had you ask questions to my Instagram about hot topics to cover for my solo episodes. So many of you want to hear about how I set up my ceremony space, how I make prayer at the altar, and what I've learned through the art of self love.

I’m here to answer all of your magical questions, share a literal WTF moment I recently had with a psychic, and talk about the time I discovered an inner a***hole living in my mind. In fact, in all of our minds.

The only way we deal with this inner critic is by taking radical ownership of our healing.

Because what if we recognized that we were the true healer of our own lives? And that it wasn’t some shaman, guru, or teacher?

Could you imagine the personal growth that would come with honoring our emotional, physical, and spiritual process as the most sacred gift Life has to offer?

Get yourself comfortable shweeet heart. If you’re sitting at home with your dogs or driving to work, just know… yes you. I’m grateful for you, you effing majestic being.

*P.S. If you're in love with this jacket as much as I am, it's from: https://equalshuman.com/

(Sustainable fashion made for the body, derived from the soul).

This podcast is sponsored by: BON CHARGE

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00:39 - BON CHARGE Sponsorship

2:01 - Introduction

5:24 - First Question: Being single and Learning How to Choose Yourself

7:32 - Recap of my hearing diagnosis

9:58 - Our internal dialogue - Question the inner a**hole

11:28 - Don’t believe all of your thoughts - they’re not The Truth

12:43 - Soften my love, and Awaken

13:15 - Life is in the micromoments

14:26 - Becoming my own best friend

15:48 - Your presence alone is enough

16:23 - Honour your sacred process

17:50 - People are a GIFT! (Not a given)

18:22 - Detach from the external - Focus on the Internal

19:10 - Don’t wait at Expectation Station

20:37 - Never neglecting myself again

22:06 - Fall in love with being alone

23:10 - Keeping a tight circle of friends is like nourishing my favorite houseplants

24:49 - Second Question: How to Set Up A Sacred Space?

25:48 - Building your altar

27:11 - Setting intentions

28:11 - Full Moon Ceremony

29:05 - Third Question: How Do I Pray? A constant conversation with the Higher Spirit

31:04 - Praying under the Pisces Full Moon

32:14 - You are the healer of your own experience

33:42 - Calling in spiritual guides for support

34:58 - What a prayer can sound like

38:29 - Life is the greatest ceremony

39:39 - My WTF Psychic Reading

48:25 - Intuitive Wisdom

49:50 - Everything is exactly as it’s meant to be

50:31 - Repleace fear with trust: Own your superpower

51:32 - Death is a man made word

52:45 - Explore your ceremonial space

53:31 - Listen to your intuition

54:03 - Closing


Blu is a motivational speaker, artist, musician & host of the Deja Blu Podcast with over 4 million listeners worldwide, interviewing some of the most prolific spiritual leaders of our generation. She is the co-founder of Florescence, a modern mystery school which connects a global community of women in sisterhood through online sharing circles & in-person events.


BLU: https://www.instagram.com/bluofearth/



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