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Gayish Podcast

Gayish: 317 Artificial Intelligence

Gayish Podcast
Gayish Podcast

This is what AI came up with as an episode description: Lisa talks to a gay millennial named Will who loves the idea of dating AI. Find it on Apple Podcasts or search for "Gayish" on your podcast app.

(Human editor’s Note: that is not actually what this episode is about. It’s about ChatGPT, homophobia in AI, Alan Turing, the Mechanical Turk, and more.)

In this episode: News- 6:40 || Main Topic (Artificial Intelligence)- 25:23 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:12:53

Patreon reminder! Gaytrons of all levels can join our Patreon Happy Hours (the next one is Feb. 1!), get ad-free episodes, and hear episodes 1 day early. Visit https://www.patreon.com/gayishpodcast for all the details.

Gayish Podcast
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