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Personal Power Boost With Roksana Hussein

PPB 24: Ushi (Personal Trainer) has reinvented her life despite living with an eating disorder

Personal Power Boost With Roksana Hussein
Personal Power Boost With Roksana Hussein

Ushi (Personal Trainer) shares the roots of her complex journey with body image and eating disorders. After spending years yo-yo dieting and living with Bulimia, Ushi points out how society rewards achieving a slim body above all else. Becoming slim gave her the attention and recognition she craved at the cost of her mental and physical health. It was only when Ushi incorporated exercise into her routine that she found the education and mindset to a long term wholesome living. In society we rarely ask if the end justifies the means. If it matters that the journey of becoming slimmer is wholesome or painful.

You can find Ushi here:


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Personal Power Boost With Roksana Hussein
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